www. uthedu.com

Hard Skills Training

IT Technology

Stay ahead in the rapidly evolving IT landscape with our comprehensive training programs in programming languages, cybersecurity, data analytics, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and emerging technologies. Our trainers have cutting edge experience in the latest technologies of the fast changing IT technological landscape

Sub skills

Cloud Computing: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud.

Artificial Intelligence: Python, C++, R and Java

Cybersecurity: Penetration testing, application security, network security and cloud security, but adding fundamentals like risk assessment, intrusion detection, security controls and frameworks,  and incident response

Data Science: Python, Java, SQL, C++, and R, as well as familiarity with one of the top Python  libraries for deep learning, such as TensorFlow or PyTorch.

Data Analysis(SQL): SQL to extract data and Microsoft Excel to analyze datasets can help you  compete in this growing job market. Other desirable data skills in data analysis include programming  chops in Python and R, as well as the ability to communicate findings using data visualization and  presentation skills

Software Development:JavaScript, Python, Go, Java, Kotlin, PHP, C#, Swift, R, Ruby, C and C++.